The Life of Jesus Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ

The Life of Jesus Christ For more information on these resources or to order them please fill in these details Name Email Address Resource Name 13 + 13 =...
Ministries in the Church

Ministries in the Church

Ministries in the Church by Stanley Mehta Ministries in the Church English Understanding of the role of elders, deacons and the 5 fold ministries. Clarifying the role of women. For more information on these resources or to order them please fill in these details Name...
Spiritual Authority

Spiritual Authority

Spiritual Authority by Stanley Mehta Spiritual Authority English A Bible study booklet that helps you to understand the various authorities that we encountering life, starting from the Sovereign authority of God and then followed by the delegated authority in the...
Foundations for Life

Foundations for Life

Foundations for Life Resources Foundation Course Available in 16 languages Helps you establish a strong foundation in your life based on Hebrews chapter 6:1-3. The book is divided into 3 parts. Starting with 3 lessons on Pre-foundation, 6 Foundational blocks, followed...
Song Books

Song Books

Songbooks Resources For more information on these resources or to order them please fill in these details Name Email Address Resource Name 13 + 13 =...