“Where there is no vision the people perish”
- Proverbs 29:18

Our Vision

We are a Family of Leadership Teams; Planting, Envisioning and Equipping Churches for the Mission of Christ in Communities and Cities.

Our Mission

We are a family of leadership teams; Planting, Envisioning and Equipping Churches for the Mission of Christ in Communities and Cities.


We are Evangelical

We are a part of the global evangelical movement and committed to key evangelical beliefs

We are Charismatic

We are committed to live in the fullness of God’s life through the Holy Spirit, cherishing ‘the gifts’ and pursuing ‘the fruit’. We seek the kingdom in all of life- joining the Father, Son and Holy Spirit on their mission.


Friendship, sense of family and food are the relational aspects evident in our churches. We value people more than programs or structure.


We are blessed to be a blessing. And our greatest blessing is Christ Jesus. To share HIM in His fullness is our privilege and joy. We aren’t just consumers but also dispensers in the Kingdom of God.

Christ Centered

It is not about drawing people to ourselves but to Christ. We see HIM at the center of all things including our jobs, families, recreation, hopes & dreams.

Kingdom Minded

It is not just about the local church: it is about HIS Kingdom and HIS blessing on communities, cities and nations through church planting, social transformation & engaging every sphere of society.


We lead by serving. That is the Jesus- model. No job, role or responsibility is too menial for us. In fact, it is our privilege to serve our King who laid down His life for us.


Beyond just believing, the process of discipleship transforms an alien into a disciple of Christ. Faith & sacrificial living are two key apects of this training.


We believe in accountability and spiritual covering. An apostolic body brings guidance, protection & growth into our churches. It empowers us to grow into maturity and intimacy through the development of the 5-fold ministry.


As we read the New Testament description of apostolic teams, we see a number of important things they did. We see this as a pattern for our apostolic teams today.


  • Continually stimulating the call to Mission.
  • Supporting Churches with training in Mission.
  • Preaching the Gospel to the Lost


  • Ensuring churches experience a Spirit- filled life.
  • Imparting the power of God.


  • Resolving broken relationships within churches
  • Promoting a concern for the wider church and its leaders


  • Helping identify and appointing elders
  • Helping identify and train future leaders


  • Supporting churches through problems
  • Guarding against false teaching
  • Regular engagement, not just crisis management


  • Ensuring all our priorities & pursuits are governed by the Word of God.


  • Establishing people together in Christ as communities
  • Ensuring Biblical vision, doctrine & practice
  • Considering what is in place and attending to lacks
  • Advising on further development


God’s mission is a grand plan to redeem mankind as His church works out the call to be His ambassadors, witnesses, and servants. The Cross, conversion & repentance are central aspects of that mission.

Church Planting

Starting & then supporting churches that are ‘family on mission’

Ephesians 4 Teams

Teams of leaders, led by an apostle, gifted to equip churches for God’s work.

Apostolic Bases

Larger churches or groups of churches committed to God’s mission beyond the local area.

Leadership Development

Identifying, training and releasing home-grown leadership to serve cultures.

Transforming Society

Fostering initiatives to contribute to the good of society by demonstrating God’s love, justice & mercy.

Kingdom Focussed

Pursuing the Kingdom of God, beyond the local church and the movement by prioritizing unity, prayer, and networking with other Kingdom- minded entities.

Strategic Contextualisation

Fostering strategic thinking for the movement and Facilitating contextualization to realize strategic plans.


Ready To Make a Real Change?
Let’s Serve God’s Kingdom Together!