Training is vital

At Gateway Ministries International we recognise that every member of the body of Christ needs to be cared for, nurtured and built on the Word of God. For this reason, we place a high priority on training.

Training Programs

Preaching and Teaching Course

A course that will greatly benefit our churches and those who desire to grow in the gift of Preaching and Teaching.

The course covers a wide range of topics, equipping students with valuable lessons and practical skills. Led by seasoned church leaders, experienced preachers, and gifted teachers across GMI and Salt and Light Ministries, the course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of this vital calling.

Church Planting Course

This is a unique opportunity for pastors, leaders and potential leaders to learn the Biblical principles, about issues pertaining to Leadership in the Christian sphere.

Worship Course

A worship course that will greatly benefit churches, worship teams, and those who desire to grow and lead others in worship.

The course covers a wide range of topics, equipping participants with valuable insights and practical skills. Led by experienced church leaders, worship leaders and musicians who are passionate about nurturing growth in worship, this course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of worship and empower individuals to lead with excellence.

Antioch Training Centre

Antioch Training Center (ATC) is GMI’s Bible training school committed to holistic growth and development of men and women through discipleship, to make them faithful stewards of God’s Kingdom, equipped to serve in the church, on the mission field and in society.

Teacher Training Course

The Teachers’ Training Course run under Zoe Ministries. We are committed to training Christian teachers who are committed to extending God’s Kingdom into the lives of young children, through the field of education. Through Biblical principles, each teacher is personally equipped to teach primary and pre-primary children through a series of lectures, practical activities and assignments.

Marriage Seminar

This program is designed in order to voice out what every other couple experiences, but is afraid to speak of-trouble in their marriage. There are four slots under which these issues are discussed, namely, commitment, companionship, communication, and conflicts. This is done in an atmosphere where there is no mudslinging or blame shifting, but each one identifying to the relevant issue. 

Parenting Seminar

To give birth to children, by far, is the easier part of the job, as against raising them up to become responsible citizens. This program design is such that we start from the basics, study some of the enemies of our children, analyze our methods of parenting, deliberate over various methods of discipline, deal with handling teenagers, and finally, look at how to pass on the baton to the next generation. Much of the learning will be supported by the facilitator’s personal experience of parenting their children, failures and victories. The program is an attempt to bring back the value of family life.