By helping to build and strengthen character, values and commitment through personal and community spiritual disciplines, essential to the education process.
By providing Bible centric, systematic training, designed to enrich a student’s faith and effectiveness in relating to our present pluralistic society.
By motivating and training students to advance the growth and mission of the church, by providing regular and meaningful ministry opportunities geared towards church planting and service to the poor.
ATC has well defined curriculum integrated with field work which provide unique opportunities to apply the things that are taught and thus gain “hands-on” work experience.
The curriculum provides ample scope for a variety of team activities scheduled during the course like fun evenings, barbeque nights, outings, field trips and exposure trips etc..
The following would be covered in the course:
Leadership, Study of the Cross and Christ. Discipleship, Church Planting, Bible Survey, Church History, Kingdom of God, Children and youth ministry, Christian and His work, Christian Home, Social & Mission Awareness, Homiletics, Evangelism, Cults and Isms, Study of the Holy Spirit, Basis of Ministry, Study of end times, Sanctification, Apologetics, Gospels & Epistles and more.