In these days of uncertainty, the need for the Word of God is greater than ever. Here we find truth: a solid foundation, an accurate compass, a clear direction. God has given us in the revelation of His inerrant Word the final authority for our faith and practice. But how are we to help people become grounded in that Word rather than drifting with the tide?

We believe that the local church has been given the mandate to equip the saints for works of service. In King’s Online Bible School we offer resources that churches may use to provide a biblical foundation. No need to go off to Bible College – the resources are available to use at home! Ideally, the courses can be pursued under the pastoral care of the local church, with special training available here to enable mentors to walk students through the material. It’s a flexible approach: you can sign up for individual courses, register for part-time study, or you can engage in the full one-year program.

We want to help you run the race. We want to help you train. We want to help you find somebody to run alongside you. We want you to win!


For more information click here